All nursing mothers who exercise are getting the triathlete stamp of approval from me. Working out while continuing to breastfeed my little angel has proved to be one of the more challenging but also rewarding aspects of motherhood. Men may not want to continue to read this blog, but if you know a nursing mom, I suggest you continue reading, so that you can understand just a little bit about what it is like for her and how you can be supportive of her endeavors and help her be a happier, healthier mom. If you don't want to read all the other stuff, skip to my blog post on Tips for Supporting an Exercising Nursing Mom.
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Go run, Mommy, and have fun- I'll be here when you get back! :-) |
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Sometimes bike trainer is just easier than running! Out on our balcony I get fresh air but don't have to leave my baby, and she loves watching Mommy and Daddy ride! |
Some Guidelines for the Nursing Athlete
Sometimes I drink 10 liters of water a day, no joke. Especially during the hotter summer months, I really don't think this is over doing it when you are working out and nursing. I also have more total body water percentage than most women because I am 6'2" and weigh...well, chances are, I weigh more than you do. But, still, 5-8 liters is not excessive for most nursing and exercising moms. I tell my patients to drink a tall glass of water every time they breastfeed their babies, and this is for women who aren't even exercising on top of that. Breastfeeding requires a ton of fluids. You are going to be constipated and vasovagal (fainting) if you don't drink enough water, and your milk supply may be affected as well. I can definitely tell a difference in how I feel and in my milk supply when I hydrate and sleep. But one out of two isn't bad, right?
This is especially for running (may not be necessary for swimming or biking depending on your workout clothes and how uncomfortable you feel when your breasts are full). It feels different, but I can bike and swim without pumping beforehand. However, by the end of the workout, I am looking for my baby or breast pump because it does become quite uncomfortable.
All kinds of things are rubbing together that maybe didn't rub together before, so use Body Glide or Chamois butter, just sayin'. Please check out this blog on maternity workout gear that may be helpful for thinking about postpartum workout gear. This is my favorite sports bra super comfy for the nursing mom's boobies and great for coming in and nursing right after exercise thanks to the handy front zipper.
4. Empty your bladder prior to exercise.
Right before you run out the door, go back and pee. Trust me. Especially if you are already having a few pesky pelvic floor issues, the amount of Kegel-ing you are going to have to do (especially while running but really any kind of weight-bearing exercise) is really intense. My pelvic floor was sore after my first run back postpartum, and I only ran 30 minutes. Every step is an impact with the ground that your core and pelvic floor need to sustain and tighten to keep things were they need to be. (Sorry if that's TMI, fellas.) Help yourself out by having less urine in your bladder. If you did rule#1 appropriately, you'll need to urinate prior to exercise...and sometimes even during. I know, you thought you were done with that after pregnancy ended, but more on this in the pelvic floor syndrome blog.
5. Post-exercise nutrition.
You may need a snack depending on the time of day and how long you exercised. If you are doing endurance, for sure, you need a snack. You should be eating small and frequent nutritious meals with high protein while nursing anyway, so, chances are, it is time for one of those by the time you get back from working out, anyway, especially if your baby is ready to feed again. I know it seems to defeat the purpose of working out to lose baby weight, but think about it in terms of how endurance athletes train- you always need something after your workout with carbohydrates and protein to help your body recover. And those slackers aren't even nursing! Just think, you did whatever run/bike/swim you just did, and that whole time, you were also making milk for your baby. Amazing. Isn't the human body amazing?
7. Feed or pump post-exercise.
Your baby may be ready to eat again when you get back. If not, you don't have to pump again unless it is time for you to do so. You might not have made very much milk during your workout, so now is the time to replenish fluids and nutrition and rest, so you can fuel up for the next feed. That being said, I have definitely come back from running and fed Violet while still sweaty. She seems a little confused at first but doesn't care when she's hungry. Some women say that babies like that taste of salt. There's no medical reason not to go ahead and feed if your baby wants to eat, and there's no greater motivation to get home from your run/workout than knowing your baby is waiting for you. If you are trying to increase supply, it might help to have whoever is watching the baby wait to feed until you are back, so baby is hungry and you can stimulate more milk production...but more on that in Part 2.
It's worth mentioning again. Hydrate with every feed, hydrate when you first wake up in the morning, hydrate pre- and post-workout. Depending on how long you are going for, you may need to bring fluids with you, but let your thirst be the judge of that. If you are a nursing mom, and you are doing something at any point in the day that does not involve a cup of fluids, think again- and grab something to drink.
I put this at the end rather than at the beginning like I normally do because it's kind of a letdown. HAHA! Letdown... ;-)
Physicians these days are really big on evidence-based medicine. And I hate to say it, but after searching the literature comprehensively on this subject, I can't really find any good studies! There aren't any good ones at all! So any advice your obstetrician, your pediatrician, or your lactation consultant is giving you is mostly based on theory and scientific knowledge rather than clinical evidence. What a bummer, right? Didn't you think this blog post was going to provide you with all the answers?
1. Calorie restriction may play a role in weight loss for breastfeeding mothers.
Really? Amazing stuff. The one study* I did find was a literature review citing 6 other studies (who knows where they are because I didn't come across them) concluding that "weight management interventions which include an energy-restricted diet may play a key role in successful postpartum weight loss for breastfeeding mothers." Well, zippidy-doo-da. Obviously this is the case, but no one knows the specifics of how many calories lactating mothers need and it's even more complicated throwing exercise into the mix, and there are no studies on this AT ALL. Bummer. But more on that in our next blog post.
2. There is some anecdotal evidence out there that endurance exercise increases lactation.
I don't know about this, ladies. It's not a real study, so this is just women saying that they felt that their lactation improved with endurance training and some lactation consultants saying that they have noticed this in their practice with their patients. So really just take it with a grain of salt. My personal opinion (I can do this because this is my blog yay!) is that these endurance athletes who continued to train heavily while they were nursing were 1- doing so when they're children were already eating solids and therefore not needing as much breast milk or as frequent feeds, and 2- women who already had an abnormally high supply of milk to begin with. Some women just have a ton of milk. Yay for them. Can you tell I'm bitter? Moving on to our next segment on staying fit as a nursing mom, we'll talk about the challenges with maintaining milk supply while staying fit.
Going the Extra Mile
My conclusion to all this is: we should study this! Who wants to be part of my study? To study it well, we would need women who are about to give birth and plan to nurse and exercise. To study it semi-well, we need women who did nurse their children and exercise and can remember a bit about what it was like...even better if you recorded your calorie intake and exercise each day...what, you don't do that? Am I asking too much? If you use a calorie app, I'd be very interested!!!
Need a Pep-Talk?
You can do it! How was that? ;-) Honestly, after writing all of this, I kind of need a pep-talk myself. It's important to realize that it's all worth it. It's worth it to feed your baby and help your baby fight infections and give him/her something that is very easy to digest and to have that mother-infant bond that everyone goes gah-gah about (It's actually really beautiful and amazing. I love nursing, which is why I'm writing 3 blogs on ways to continue to do it while you stay active). It's worth it to be healthy and exercise and to do something to take care of yourself when you aren't otherwise doing so these days. But, on the days that it's not worth it, when you haven't slept and you can't calm down and you've had an awful day, just go home and hold, walk, or play with your baby...
or, just sleep. Sleep is golden.
Stay Tuned...
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Happy and fed baby, icing-knee mommy :) |
7. Feed or pump post-exercise.
Your baby may be ready to eat again when you get back. If not, you don't have to pump again unless it is time for you to do so. You might not have made very much milk during your workout, so now is the time to replenish fluids and nutrition and rest, so you can fuel up for the next feed. That being said, I have definitely come back from running and fed Violet while still sweaty. She seems a little confused at first but doesn't care when she's hungry. Some women say that babies like that taste of salt. There's no medical reason not to go ahead and feed if your baby wants to eat, and there's no greater motivation to get home from your run/workout than knowing your baby is waiting for you. If you are trying to increase supply, it might help to have whoever is watching the baby wait to feed until you are back, so baby is hungry and you can stimulate more milk production...but more on that in Part 2.
It's worth mentioning again. Hydrate with every feed, hydrate when you first wake up in the morning, hydrate pre- and post-workout. Depending on how long you are going for, you may need to bring fluids with you, but let your thirst be the judge of that. If you are a nursing mom, and you are doing something at any point in the day that does not involve a cup of fluids, think again- and grab something to drink.
The Evidence
Really? Amazing stuff. The one study* I did find was a literature review citing 6 other studies (who knows where they are because I didn't come across them) concluding that "weight management interventions which include an energy-restricted diet may play a key role in successful postpartum weight loss for breastfeeding mothers." Well, zippidy-doo-da. Obviously this is the case, but no one knows the specifics of how many calories lactating mothers need and it's even more complicated throwing exercise into the mix, and there are no studies on this AT ALL. Bummer. But more on that in our next blog post.
I don't know about this, ladies. It's not a real study, so this is just women saying that they felt that their lactation improved with endurance training and some lactation consultants saying that they have noticed this in their practice with their patients. So really just take it with a grain of salt. My personal opinion (I can do this because this is my blog yay!) is that these endurance athletes who continued to train heavily while they were nursing were 1- doing so when they're children were already eating solids and therefore not needing as much breast milk or as frequent feeds, and 2- women who already had an abnormally high supply of milk to begin with. Some women just have a ton of milk. Yay for them. Can you tell I'm bitter? Moving on to our next segment on staying fit as a nursing mom, we'll talk about the challenges with maintaining milk supply while staying fit.
Need a Pep-Talk?
You can do it! How was that? ;-) Honestly, after writing all of this, I kind of need a pep-talk myself. It's important to realize that it's all worth it. It's worth it to feed your baby and help your baby fight infections and give him/her something that is very easy to digest and to have that mother-infant bond that everyone goes gah-gah about (It's actually really beautiful and amazing. I love nursing, which is why I'm writing 3 blogs on ways to continue to do it while you stay active). It's worth it to be healthy and exercise and to do something to take care of yourself when you aren't otherwise doing so these days. But, on the days that it's not worth it, when you haven't slept and you can't calm down and you've had an awful day, just go home and hold, walk, or play with your baby...
or, just sleep. Sleep is golden.
Stay Tuned...
Parts 2 and 3 in this series on staying fit as a nursing mom are coming up!
-Part 2: Got Milk? Maintaining Milk Supply
-Part 3: So You Wanna do an Ironman? The Ultimate Motivation
*Neville et al. The Effectiveness of Weight Management Intervention in Breastfeeding Women-A Systematic Review and Criticial Evaluation. Birth. 2014 Apr 21.
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