recently saw a clinic patient of mine who is a morbidly obese 11-year-old girl,
and I spent the entire follow-up visit trying to find what would motivate her
and make her find ways to stay active. I felt sure that if we could find
something she liked and wanted to do, then we could get her feeling better
about herself and also help her make healthier eating choices...only to find
out later that what she really likes doing is playing and running outside with
her friends, but she doesn't get to do this because her mother who is a single
parent of 3, does not get home until very late each night, and doesn't want
her children outside by themselves. I had the mom leave the room, so I could
talk to my patient about body image and ask if she had ever felt like hurting
herself because of the way she feels about how she looks. She had. My heart
went out to her.
I really connected
with this particular patient who I have followed during my residency training
at Jacobi. But, sadly, this is not an uncommon story in the Bronx, where
finding ways to stay active and healthy are made more difficult by living in
neighborhoods where it may not be safe to go outside for a walk or run, by
having parents who may or may not be involved or supportive, by having family
medical problems that put children at risk for early-onset diabetes and high
cholesterol, and by having low income and poor access to healthy foods. Fast
foods and junk foods are just cheaper and easier for these families.
So, in honor of my
patient, a short blog on ways to stay fit that are fun and frugal. I think we
could all take a little away from this, and it's my hope that all of us who are
more fortunate and have money but not the time or time but not the money, can be
thankful for what we have and use those 20-30 minutes each day that we don't
think are enough and do something healthy for ourselves and for our families.

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snow walk with my girl! |
usually don’t condone fad fitness stuff, but, hey, if this is what you need to
stay active, go for it! Zumba, Piloga, Crossfit, you name it, do your thing.
Can’t afford fancy fitness watches or heart rate monitors? You don’t need them.
If tracking steps is your thing, buy a cheap pedometer and write down your
total steps at the end of each day. It’s a great way to see how active (or not
active) you are and use that to motivate yourself to go for that walk or run at
the end of the day when you feel like you don’t have time or energy or whatever
other excuse you want to make for yourself. Your phone might even have a pedometer app. Samsung Health is one example. There are also these really cute and
inexpensive fitness watches for kids – check out Leapfrog. Marketed for pre-school age, it has games for kids and fun ways to stay active.
There are also inexpensive versions of Fitbit.
what makes you happy. Dance, jumping jacks, soccer, cycling, swimming (you’re
right, you do need a body of water for that
one), walking, push-ups, weights. Your child only wants to play video games? Great! Check out Dance Dance Revolution and other Wii Fit games. There is definitely something out there for you, and the more you like doing it, the
more likely you are to keep up with your activity.
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Buying a soccer ball is really not that expensive if you think about the opportunities it gives you to stay fit! (start early) |
Popular fitness trainer workouts on YouTube
Better U - from the American Heart Association,
this program is a 12-week educational program about health, nutrition, and
exercise, and it’s free! They also have healthy recipes on their website.
LoseIt and
Myfitnesspal – free online calorie and exercise tracking
Livestrong.com – more
about fitness but there are nutrition tips too, also a good workout online tracker
Dailyburn – costs money
after 30 days but has workouts from kettle bells to dance to yoga
and youngmenshealth.org – I always recommend these to my pre-adolescent and
adolescent patients. There is an exercise and nutrition section among other
health and medical topics of interest to teens.
There are a million
more. Google is your friend, folks.
5. FREE AT HOME – Sometimes
the oldies but goodies are the least expensive and provide the easiest
accessibility. Jump rope, hula-hoop, dance videos, exercise videos. These are
all things you can do in your home with very little equipment. Even a 20-minute
exercise video, if you can do it each day, is a step in the right direction.
Don’t like any of these, I stand by my tried and true stay-active method –
DANCE. Ask anyone, I have the least rhythm and coordination of any athlete on
the planet, but dancing with my daughter in our apartment makes us both SO
happy. Find your music, find a friend or find 30 minutes and get down with your
silly jazzy self. There’s no way you won’t feel better and no way you won’t
burn more calories than you would sitting on the couch with a sleeve of Oreos.
Too lazy or don’t have time to make your own playlist? Try Spotify and use
other people’s playlists or again your friend, YouTube for a 30-minute aerobic dance workout.
On deck:
Jogging stroller update!